Ambohimanga - Organized mountain bike / mountain bike outing
Ivato - Organized MTB / VTTAE outing
Ambatobe - Sortie VTT / VTT organisée
Ambatobe - Organized mountain bike / mountain bike outing
Ambatobe - Organized mountain bike / mountain bike outing
Ambatobe - Sortie VTT / VTT organisée
Explore the Ivato lanyard by mountain bike or mountain bike with family or friends, a circuit suitable for everyone!
Enjoy a family mountain bike ride with little elevation gain and benefit from an exceptional 50% discount! 3 starting sessions: 8:30 a.m. - 11:30 a.m. - 1:30 p.m.
Mont Passot was once a volcano. It owes its name to Captain Pierre Passot who was part of the French marine artillery army.
Enjoy the view offered by the splendid landscapes of Nosy-Be.