Enjoy the view offered by the splendid landscapes of Nosy-Be.
Visit the sacred lakes of Nosy-be up close with organized walks.
Dzamandzar is a town. Dzamandzar is situated north of Ampasy, and southeast of Ankibanivato.
The small waterfall of Nosy Be: A place of prayer for the Sakalava, the small waterfall of Nosy Be is home to a lake which offers you endless possibilities in terms of aquatic activities.
The royal hill of Ambohimanga constitutes an eminent example of an architectural ensemble (the Rova) and an associative cultural landscape (wood, fountain and pond)
Crocfarm est un parc animalier et botanique où les visiteurs peuvent découvrir les crocodiles, lémuriens, caméléons, baobabs, et autres espèces endémiques
Located about 17 km north of Antananarivo, Ambohidratrimo is a sacred hill which saw the birth and death of several Malagasy sovereigns.
Half-day mountain biking in Ambohimanambola
Ivato - Short MTB
Circuit designed for those who want to have fun without getting tired.