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Ride Type Region Starting date End date Price Détails
Sep 2024
Organized outing Ambatobe on September 22nd, 2024: Initiation 10 km Organized outings Aux portes d'Antananarivo 22 Sep 2024 22 Sep 2024 0 MGA Read more
Organized outing Ambatobe on September 22nd, 2024: Family 15 km Organized outings Aux portes d'Antananarivo 22 Sep 2024 22 Sep 2024 0 MGA Read more
Organized outing Ambatobe on September 22nd, 2024: Sporty 25 kms Organized outings Aux portes d'Antananarivo 22 Sep 2024 22 Sep 2024 0 MGA Read more
Organized outing Ambatobe on September 22nd, 2024: Experienced 35 kms Organized outings Aux portes d'Antananarivo 22 Sep 2024 22 Sep 2024 0 MGA Read more
Oct 2024
Ambatobe Organized Outing on October 6th, 2024: Initiation 10 km Organized outings Aux portes d'Antananarivo 06 Oct 2024 06 Oct 2024 0 MGA Read more
Ambatobe Organized Outing on October 6th, 2024: Family 15 km Organized outings Aux portes d'Antananarivo 06 Oct 2024 06 Oct 2024 0 MGA Read more
Ambatobe Organized Outing on October 06th, 2024: Experienced 35 kms Organized outings Aux portes d'Antananarivo 06 Oct 2024 06 Oct 2024 0 MGA Read more
Ambatobe Organized Outing on October 6th, 2024: Sporty 25 km Organized outings Aux portes d'Antananarivo 06 Oct 2024 06 Oct 2024 0 MGA Read more
Along the water - Lake Tsiazompaniry VTT et VTTAE A moins de 150 kms d'Antananarivo 26 Oct 2024 27 Oct 2024 0 MGA Read more
Organized outing Ambatobe on October 20th, 2024: 10 km initiation Organized outings Aux portes d'Antananarivo 20 Oct 2024 20 Oct 2024 0 MGA Read more
Organized outing Ambatobe on October 20th, 2024: Family 15 km Organized outings Aux portes d'Antananarivo 20 Oct 2024 20 Oct 2024 0 MGA Read more
Organized outing Ambatobe on October 20th, 2024: Sporty 25 kms Organized outings Aux portes d'Antananarivo 20 Oct 2024 20 Oct 2024 0 MGA Read more
Organized outing Ambatobe on Octobre 20th, 2024: Experienced 35 kms Organized outings Aux portes d'Antananarivo 20 Oct 2024 20 Oct 2024 0 MGA Read more
Nov 2024
Tana - Mantasoa - Hiking (Go / Return) VTT et VTTAE A moins de 150 kms d'Antananarivo 30 Nov 2024 01 Dec 2024 0 MGA Read more
Along the water - Lake Tsiazompaniry VTT et VTTAE A moins de 150 kms d'Antananarivo 16 Nov 2024 17 Nov 2024 0 MGA Read more
Organized outing Ambatobe on November 10th, 2024: 10 km initiation Organized outings Aux portes d'Antananarivo 10 Nov 2024 10 Nov 2024 0 MGA Read more
Organized outing Ambatobe on November 10th, 2024: Family 15 km Organized outings Aux portes d'Antananarivo 10 Nov 2024 10 Nov 2024 0 MGA Read more
Organized outing Ambatobe on November 10th, 2024: Sporty 25 kms Organized outings Aux portes d'Antananarivo 10 Nov 2024 10 Nov 2024 0 MGA Read more
Organized outing Ambatobe on November 10th, 2024: Experienced 35 kms Organized outings Aux portes d'Antananarivo 10 Nov 2024 10 Nov 2024 0 MGA Read more
Organized outing Ambatobe on November 24th, 2024: 10 km initiation Organized outings Aux portes d'Antananarivo 24 Nov 2024 24 Nov 2024 0 MGA Read more
Organized outing Ambatobe on November 24th, 2024: Family 15 km Organized outings Aux portes d'Antananarivo 24 Nov 2024 24 Nov 2024 0 MGA Read more
Organized outing Ambatobe on November 24th, 2024: Sporty 25 kms Organized outings Aux portes d'Antananarivo 24 Nov 2024 24 Nov 2024 0 MGA Read more
Organized outing Ambatobe on November 24th, 2024: Experienced 35 kms Organized outings Aux portes d'Antananarivo 24 Nov 2024 24 Nov 2024 0 MGA Read more
TANA - MAHAMBO EN VTT/VTTAE VTT et VTTAE Au delà de 150 kms d'Antananarivo 01 Nov 2024 04 Nov 2024 0 MGA Read more
