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Stays in the highland of Madagascar - 9 days

Explore the highland by bike, visiting the must-see sites and the eastern part of the island: Andasibe.

Embarking on a cycling adventure in Madagascar offers a unique experience, allowing one to discover its cultural diversity, breath-taking landscapes, and exceptional flora and fauna in a different way.

Elevation Profile  and distance
D 1 Transfer    
D 2 MTB 40 km 722 m D+
D 3 MTB 47 km 829 m D+
D 4 BUS 110 km  
D 5 MTB 40 km 845 m D+
D 6 MTB 51 km 933 m D+
D 7 MTB 43 km 819 m D+
D 8 Transfer 145 km  
D 9 Transfer  


Price per person in Euro


12 PAX

14 PAX

16 PAX

Price based on double room

955 €

880 €

815 €

Extra for single room

260 €

Extra for half-board

115 €

Extra for MTB

155 €

Extra for E-MTB

380 €

Bosch Battery rental

70 €

*These prices are based on the current exchange rate and may be subject to change depending on fluctuations in the rate.


These prices include:

  • Accommodation in double rooms
  • Breakfasts
  • Bus transportation throughout the trip
  • Fuel for the whole trip
  • Bicycle transfers in trailer
  • Visit to the Analamazaotra National Park in Andasibe
  • Assistant guide and mechanic and their allowances
  • National accompanying guide and their allowances
  • Accompaniment by a tour leader


These prices exclude

  • Ticket flight
  • Insurance
  • Meals: lunches and dinners
  • Rental of regular bikes or electric-assist bikes
  • Rental of Bosch battery if you bring your own e-MTB
  • Personal expenses and tips

    Au Bois Vert Hotel - Tana


    Au Bois Vert Hotel - Tana


    In order to be up to date with entry formalities into Malagasy territory, we will give you all the useful and necessary information. Visa fees (and other anti-covid tests, etc.) are not included in the cost of the stay.


    To be defined according to your needs.


    Comfort hotel are planned.


    All payments are made in ariary in advance. Possibility of changing money before departure. The exchange rate is taken from the daily rate of:, with an increase of 5%.


    Snacks such as cereal bars are not provided by the organization.



    You can have an internet connection but it is limited depending on your location.


    You are free to leave tips.



  • Day 1 : Arrival in Antananarivo :

    Tongasoa à Madagascar. Our team is happy to welcome you at the airport. After all formalities, you will be transferred to your hotel, which is not far from the airport.

    Overnight stay at Bois vert.

  • Day 2 : Antananarivo : 40km / 722 m D+

    A beautiful loop awaits you. Starting from Bois Vert, you will quickly reach the first rice fields, which you will cross by following the dikes. After 5 km, you will carefully navigate the road to continue through the rice fields before beginning to climb at the 9 km mark. The next 9 km will have an ascending profile with about 325 meters of elevation gain, ending at km 18 at the gates of the Rova of Ambohimanga, a UNESCO World Heritage site.

    This will be an opportunity to visit this historical site and also take a lunch break. Afterward, you will start the return journey, which will be different from the outward route. The return journey begins with a long descent of just under 2 km. You will then encounter generally rolling terrain for 5.5 km before starting a long ascent of 2.5 km with 170 meters of elevation gain. The final 15 km will be much less strenuous, with a descent followed by a long flat section through the rice fields before reaching the Bois Vert hotel.

    Overnight stay at Bois vert.

  • Day 3 : Antananarivo – Mantasoa : 47km / 829 m D+

    After breakfast, you will be transferred to the starting point, which is a few kilometers from the city. Following the briefing, head towards Mantasoa through stunning landscapes. Discover the lakeside with its picturesque roads. Don’t forget to immerse yourself in the local culture, perhaps by making spontaneous stops to meet the inhabitants. Enjoy every moment of this cycling tour to fully experience it. The bike ride offers beautiful natural scenery and an immersive experience. You will fully enjoy the beauty of the journey.

    Overnight stay at Domaine de l’Ermitage.

  • Day 4 : Mantasoa – Andasibe : 110km

    Morning transfer to Andasibe, a town renowned for its exceptional biodiversity and lush landscapes. You will have the opportunity to visit the private Peyreras Reserve, where you will find various types of reptiles such as chameleons, lizards, etc. Upon arrival in Andasibe, you will visit the famous Analamazaotra National Park. This park is home to a wide variety of endemic species, including the famous Indri Indri, the largest lemur in the world. Visitors can also discover a multitude of plants, birds, and other lemur species.

    Overnight stay at Relais du Mantadia.

  • Day 5 : Andasibe – Mantasoa – Antananarivo : 40km / 845 m D+

    After breakfast, a morning transfer will take you to Mantasoa where we will resume our cycling journey. The route will be different from the outward journey, passing through the town of Ambatomanga. This time, you will pass halfway through Ambatomanga, which is famous for its cheese factories. A cheese tasting is planned. You will arrive in Ambohimanambola in the late afternoon, followed by a transfer to your hotel in the city center.

    Overnight stay at Chalet des Roses.

  • Day 6 : Antananarivo – Arivonimamo : 51km / 933 m D+

    In the morning, transfer to Ambatomirahavavy where our day's journey will begin. This will be an enriching experience for cycling and nature enthusiasts. We will quickly be immersed in a more rural environment, away from the urban hustle. Several stops can be made along the way to rest and admire the landscape. We will arrive in Arivonimamo in the early afternoon and then proceed to our hotel.

    Overnight stay at Label Village.

  • Day 7 : Arivonimamo – Miarinarivo – Ampefy : 43 km / 819 m D+

    After breakfast, we will transfer by car to Miarinarivo, about forty kilometers away. From Miarinarivo, we will continue our journey to the famous town of Ampefy. Leaving Miarinarivo, the road winds through a series of rolling hills and typical Malagasy villages. The paths are mainly paved, but some segments may be dirt tracks. The landscapes are striking, with panoramic views of cultivated fields, fruit plantations, and eucalyptus forests..

    Overnight stay at Kavitaha Hotel.

  • Day 8 : Ampefy – Antananarivo : 145km

    After breakfast, depart to visit the must-see sites of Ampefy:

    The Ampefy: his natural phenomenon reveals its power intermittently, projecting jets of hot water into the air. The gushing water, rich in minerals, creates a unique landscape surrounded by spectacular rock formations. You can feel the soothing warmth of the thermal water and admire the natural ballet of the geysers.

    The Lily Waterfall: One of the most famous waterfalls in the region, it is nestled in lush nature and offers an impressive spectacle with its crystal-clear waters cascading over rocks in a picturesque setting. The site invites contemplation of natural beauty and awe at the soothing power of the water that characterizes Ampefy's falls.

    The îlot de la vierge: The Island gets its name from a rock formation that resembles the silhouette of a virgin, adding a mystical touch to its natural charm. The Islet of the Virgin in Ampefy embodies the preserved beauty of Malagasy nature and offers a peaceful experience for travellers seeking serenity in the heart of the Red Island.

    In the afternoon, transfer by car to Tana.

    Overnight stay at Bois vert.

  • Day 9 : Antananarivo – Out

    After breakfast, transfer to the airport for your return flight. We thank you and say Veloma!

Just imagine yourself here...

